

Good evening Lebanon and friends,

Tomorrow, Wednesday: Matins @ 8:15am, Confession and Absolution @ 10am, Midweek Communion 1:30pm, Pastor’s Pericope Study @ 2:30pm, Vespers 5:30pm.

Thursday: CREDO? Credo folks, let me know if you can meet. Thanks.

Friday: Pastor will be at the W VA Mushroom Foray in Davis through Sunday.

Sunday: Rev. William Gies will be preaching and presiding on Trinity 8. We will have a Noisy Offering for our Special Needs fund after the Sermon. BRING YOUR CHANGE!

Looking ahead: The NALC online Convocation will be on Friday the 5th of August from 6pm – 9pm. Registration at this page: 

Home – Mission Convocation 2022 (
We still need a lay delegate, let me know if you would like to serve the church in this way. Visitors may register and attend for free, but not vote!August Newsletter coming soon. 
In the meantime…
