Augsburg Confession 3

The Presentation of the Augsburg Confession

This Sunday we will observe the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession during the Divine Service.

I have some nice copies of the AC in book form to hand out to those who would like to have one. My personal gift of thanks to all of you. But I do ask this: if you take one, read it, then share it if you can!

Why remember this event, you ask? And why this Sunday? One reason is that it is the principal statement of the faith of that church now called “Lutheran”. It is a brief and concise statement of the essential aspects of the faith and teaching of the Holy Scriptures, along with a listing of – then-current – “abuses” that the Reformers sought to correct. To the second question, Sunday is the 493rd Anniversary of the reading of the Augsburg Confession before Emperor Charles V.

But more importantly, because it is truthful, and thereby truly comforting for consciences oppressed by sin, death, and the devil. It clearly presents Christ as our Savior and Mediator, through whom we have peace with God, and seeks to remove those teachings and practices that obscure the sufficiency of His work.

The faith it teaches and confesses unites us to the great universal tradition of the Church through time and calls out errors that are damaging to the soul. 

In an age where confusion, lack of integrity, and the abandonment of truth are the norm, it is good for us to give thanks to God for the witness of these brave confessors of the Apostolic faith.