

Greetings Lebanon and friends,

For tonight, Wednesday 5/3, NO VESPERS – I have been scheduled early in the month to preach at the Harrisonburg Mission at 6:30pm. Also, remember that we will have our “Noisy Offering” to benefit our Special Needs Fund on Sunday. Bring loose change (or paper) to dump in the bucket this Sunday.

And, I’m planning on having a Study on Death, Dying, and Funerary Customs in the Christian Church sometime soon. I plan to teach on the theology of “last things”. What is death? What happens to us when we die? Where do we “go” (if anywhere)? How does the final judgment bear on these things? What is the state of a Christian after death? What is the ministry of the Church to a believer at the time of death? What is the purpose of a Christian Funeral and what does the Christian Ministry offer to believers in it? What does a pastor expect from members of the congregation? Polling for start dates, respond to this email if you have a preference here. Also, please click the sign-up button and fill out the info. if you are interested in attending this class.

God bless, Pastor
